Plant Breeding and Genetic Resource Council

    In order to assess the implementation of the programme, a plant breeding and genetic resource council has been established, which reviews the programmes once a year and submits proposals to the Minister of Rural Affairs for the supplement, amendment and extension of the programmes.

Decree no. 152 of the Minister of Rural Affairs on the formation of the Council of 08.11.2021: SA_GR Noukogu.

Composition of the Council
Chair: Deputy Secretary of State for Fisheries Policy and External Relations, Ministry of Agriculture;
Vice-Chairman;Head of Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture;
- Representative of the Ministry of the Environment (with her consent);
- Representative of the Plant Health Department of the Ministry of Agriculture;
- Representative of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (with her consent);
- Representative of the University of Tartu (with her consent);
- Representative of the University of Tartu Botanical Garden (with her consent);
- Representative of Tallinn University of Technology (with her consent);
- Representative of the Rural Research Centre;
- Representative of the Estonian Food and Agriculture Board;
- Representative of the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Chamber of Commerce (with his agreement);
- Representative of the Estonian Farmers' Confederation (with his agreement);
- Representative of the Rural Life Committee of the Riigikogu (with his agreement);
- Representative of the Organic Farming Cooperation Committee (with his agreement);
- Representative of the Estonian Horticultural Union (with his agreement);
- Representative of the Estonian Seed Association (with his agreement);
- Representative of the NGO Maadjas (with his agreement).


In 2025, the Council will organise an evaluation of the implementation of the 'Collection, conservation and use of genetic resources for agricultural crops 2021-2027' programme and evaluation for the preparation of the new period.

The Council shall assess the variety to the Board of Agriculture and Food before it is taken as a preservation variety on the variety list.

Conservation Variety

 The variety which is intended to conserve genetic resources, or the preservation variety, is a variety, within the meaning of the plant propagation and Plant variety Rights Act, which has adapted to the circumstances of Estonia and threatens to disappear over time due to human activity or environmental changes, and which resulting in a reduction in genetic diversity.

The following varieties are registered as conservation varieties in the Variety List:

Jõgeva Eckendorf, fodder beet (12.01.2022);
Tulvi, winter rye (05.11.2021);
Endla, potato (05.11.2021);
Jõgeva yellow, potato (25.05.2021);
Small blood, potato (25.05.2021);
Grandmother's pea, chickpea (10.11.2020);
Hiiumaa green, tomato (06.03.2020);
Ando, potato (10.12.2019);
Helbi, field bean (26.11.2019);
Rae local, summer vetch (26.11.2019).

The list of preservation varieties is published in:

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